EPIC Academy is a game-inspired professional development program in digital learning designed by teacher leaders in Surry County Schools, NC. It is funded, in part, by a North Carolina Digital Learning Initiative Grant.
Latest News:
- Newsela quests by Kelly Mayes have been added for download.
- Classcraft quests by Alicia Ray have been added for download.
- Plickers quests by Paula Sigmon have been added for download.
- Digital Citizenship quests by Christy Snow and Lucas Gillispie have been added for download.
- Instagram quests by Anya Tilley-Martin have been added for download.
- Canva quests by Summer Kreeger have been added for download.
- EPIC Academy featured in NCASCD's Spring 18 Newsletter. Read the article here!
- Educreations quests by Kelly Mayes have been added for download.
- Research Tools quests by Tonya Fletcher have been added for download.
- Google Maps quests by Jessica Dunlap have been added for download.
- QR Code quests by Ashley Talbott have been added for download.
- EdPuzzle quests designed by Paula Sigmon have been added for download.
- As press comes in about this project, we'll share it here - EPIC Press.
- FlipGrid quests designed by Ashley Talbott have been added for download.
- EPIC Academy will be featured at #NCTIES18 Friday Morning, Exhibit Hall, 8:30AM! Come by and see us!
- Meet our super squad of Quest Designers!
- Google Productivity designed by Alicia Ray, have been added for download.
- Skype, Genius Hour, and Coding quests, designed by Rebecca Bennett, have been added for download.
- Augmented Reality, Digital Formative Assessment, and BreakoutEDU quests, designed by Alicia Ray, have been added for download.
- App Smashing and Virtual Field Trips quests, designed by Stephanie Bode, have been added for download.
- Game-Based Learning, Pinterest, SAMR, Blogging, YouTube, and Twitter for PLNs quests, designed by Lucas Gillispie, have been added for download.

EPIC Academy by http://epicacademy.info is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All quests designed by the teachers leaders of Surry County Schools, NC.